Adaptation of “Scream”

Medium: Acrylic on board
Size: 30″ x 36″
Description: This is an acrylic pour process that I did and set aside. I noticed at this stage in my development that I wasn’t using much red, so I embarked on a little more intensity. After it dried, I noticed what appeared to be a face. It was uncanny how much it looked like the scream face by Edward Munch. I researched the piece and the original was in reaction to a close by volcanic eruption plus at the same time being close to an insane asylum. I imagined how the artist would have felt to not have any warning or notifications to the red sky and the added stress of his family member in the insane asylum. I’m sure his imagination ran wild. Revisiting his experience through my imagination, I thought, how much in today’s world, we know a lot about the weather via our notifications. I pondered if all the cell phone activity limits imagination. I stepped back into a time where red skies might mean eminent doom. It was a great practice of my own interpretation and imagination.