Oil Painting of a Young Horse
August 4th 2019
This painting I did as part of my classical oil training. It is done in a limited pallet which means I only used the primary colors (blue, red and yellow) plus orange and white. One of the challenges in doing realistic oils is understanding how to master the use of the limited pallet and to do the correct steps in paint application. Glazing is done in stages to create the depth and connection to the subject matter. Since I have been around horses most of my life, I chose to use this young filly as my subject matter. When rendering art, one must have an understanding, not only of the paint and brushes, but also the essence of the subject matter. Knowing the nuances of horses allowed me to understand ear position, the way the mouth moves and what is a natural bend of an ankle or leg. I loved this horse and did my best to capture her in her sweet resting pose.